Thursday, March 9, 2017


This wasn't even the coldest!
Greg and I snow machining while Zoey runs along
The ambulance delivered presents with Santa(s).
Winter time is a great time to catch up on sleep, catch king crabs, and catch colds!  Although I've gotten sick more times than I'd like to admit for this winter, I've been having a wonderful time.  Greg and I have tried snowshoeing for the first time. I got to go cross country skiing multiple times, one which was 6 miles to a cabin that we got to camp out in with some friends.  Greg set a crab pot this winter and we've been getting to enjoy some very delicious Alaskan King Crabs.  It's also been nice being able to share our catches with others as so many have done for us. We've also had the opportunity to continue dog sledding with friends- I even got to mush last time!  The Christmas party that we had for Boys and Girls Club was so much more successful than I expected; we ended up having 60 youth!! The youth loved their presents and had a great time.  Greg has been snow machining a few times and I drove for the first time this winter. Even though this is our second winter in Nome, we've gotten to have so many more new experiences!  We even got to experience temperatures in the negative twenties for a few weeks. Once it hits the negatives, though, it all starts to feel pretty similar.  It felt like a heat wave when it jumped back up to the teens!

The B&G kiddos at the Christmas Party
I go back and forth between how much I enjoy working at Boys and Girls club and how frustrating it can be.  I have really bonded with the youth and care about them very much. The youth have opened up to me quite a bit, but I struggle with how to support and teach them.  Without a behavioral health background, I often feel like I'm not equipped to help with their conflicts and problems, but I try. The simple daily challenges we face are just the surface of deep rooted problems. It sometimes feels like no matter what I say or demonstrate, the youth just don't get it.  I pray and hope that through the time they have gotten to know me, eventually something beneficial will finally sink in and help them through whatever turmoil they may face.  This reminds me very much of a conversation I had when working at Bethany Birches Camp about planting seeds. We can plant the seeds, but we may not be around to see it grow into something beautiful.  No matter how challenging these youth are and how good they can be at trying patience, I see youth who have so much potential and possibilities for a bright life and that makes it worth it.

These girls brighten my day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your good work has not gone unnoticed by the kids at B&G club. Kindness, patience, a willingness to listen, a comforting hug...these are things kids notice and treasure, even if their attitudes and responses say otherwise. You may never see the fruits of your labor, but I think your influence will genuinely impact these kids somewhere down the road.
