Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Our Welcome to Nome included some very exciting exploration. We arrived at the peak of the blueberry season where, throughout the seemingly endless tundra, these beauties grow all around.
Unlike the bushes I've picked from back in PA, these bushes grow low to the ground and Everywhere.
 We were given the smart advice that anytime something is growing in Nome, you harvest and freeze enough to last through the winter. We've got a long way to go...

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Kimberly's Commissioning
My Commissioning
We're Missionaries

 Here are a few pictures from our commissioning on July 30th.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The beginning...

Thank you for visiting our blog!  We are excited to share our journey as we embrace our missionary term in Nome, Alaska.  We will be serving for two years through the Global Mission Fellow US-2 program under the United Methodist Global Ministries.  The organization we will be serving with is Nome Community Center, which provides a variety of programs, including the Boys' and Girls' Club, The Elders Program, and the Food Pantry.  We look forward to sharing our stories and pictures!