Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Although the sunlight gets shorter each day, the amount of activities keep growing.

For Halloween, Nome Community Center partnered with two other organizations to create the ultimate Halloween Festival.  There was indoor trick-or-treating, a haunted house, carnival activities and games, a costume contest, food, a photo booth, and much more!  It turned out to be a successful community event.  I organized NCC's portion of the event and coordinated with the other organizations, which was quite rewarding.  The children scrunched their noses as they felt brains, intestines, maggots, and other "ewwy gooey" objects (disclaimer: not really brains and maggots, etc).  They colored different pictures, made spooky picture frames, got their faces painted, made and ate witch hands (popcorn), and proudly displayed their costumes.  We raised money for three organizations, collected six full boxes of food for the Food Bank, provided free activities, and had a great time.

In addition, XYZ Senior Center had their own costume contest, complete with judges and prizes!

Coming up next, we have a Community Thanksgiving Meal happening on Thanksgiving Day.  The entire community is welcomed to this event (we're expecting about 300 people).  Nome Community Center organizes this event every year with the support of many local businesses.  Greg and I are organizing this event and it's been a challenge.  I've really appreciated getting to know more about the local businesses.  It is a struggle, however, since we aren't as familiar with the town and have never been to one of these events before.  It's going to be worth it, though!  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving for many reasons.


  1. It sounds like in spite of the loving conditions you described before, folks there are thankful and generous. I was touched by the collection for the food pantry. We should ALL look out for one another like that! - Jeff

  2. Oops, that didn't make any sense! I meant to write "in spite of the LIVING conditions ..." not loving conditions ... :-)
